

KFork LMS was created since May 18, 2019 to assist people with basic knowledge in Kinyarwand through online course program. The course is free and gives you the flexibility to fit learning into your busy lifestyle from anywhere at any time.

The structure of the course included but not limited to vocabulary, practice conversation, quiz, and assignment. Start now and advance your Kinyarwanda knowledge based on your schedule.

[dt_sc_h2 class="aligncenter"]Some Great Features of LMS [/dt_sc_h2]


[dt_sc_one_fourth first]
[dt_sc_icon_box type ="type13" title="Advanced Topics" link="#" custom_icon="https://www.kforkg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/icon-new1.png" custom_bgcolor="#27ae60" /]

Great Features of LMS...

[dt_sc_icon_box type ="type13" title="Expert Teachers" link="#" custom_icon="https://www.kforkg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/icon-new2.png" custom_bgcolor="#2980b9" /]

Great Features of LMS...


[dt_sc_icon_box type ="type13" title="Video Courses" link="#" custom_icon="https://www.kforkg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/icon-new3.png" custom_bgcolor="#f39c12" /]

Great Features of LMS...


[dt_sc_icon_box type ="type13" title="Audio Courses" link="#" custom_icon="https://www.kforkg.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/icon-new4.png" custom_bgcolor="#d35400" /]

Great Features of LMS...



